Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Website and WebPortal Differentiation !!!

Portal: It provides facility of Logging-In. Provides you with information based on who you are.
Website: No log-in.

Portal: Limited, focused content. Eliminates the need to visit many different sites.
e.g. You type in your user name and password and see your yahoo mail only.
Website: Extensive, unfocused content written to accommodate anonymous users needs.

Customization :
Portal: You will select and organize the materials you want to access. Organized with the materials you want to access.
Website: Searchable, but not customizable. All content is there for every visitor.
e.g. you can navigate to yahoo mail, yahoo shopping, geo cities, yahoo group. If you wish to use any of these services you will either have to authenticate yourself and see things personalized to you or you can simply visit sections that are for everyone like yahoo news were if you are not signed in then the default sign in is guest.

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